A new month is now upon us and September always comes with lots of beginnings. After finishing up college at the end of May, I didn't have much to look forward to during the summer. Paul and I went on holidays and after those wonderful 2 weeks we were back to reality and work. I always find life easier and more exciting when there are set goals and plans for the month ahead. Here it is what's on the cards for September.
1. First and foremost, Foo Fighters. The day they were suppose to play in Edinburgh in June was the day just before we went on holiday. I had received the tickets the morning Dave broke his leg and couldn't have been more disappointed that I didn't get to see them. There was no hope at all that they would re-schedule but here we are now. Two days away! As a teenager I used to listen to them a lot so I'm fairly excited to get to hear some oldies but goodies.
2. In a week's time I'll be starting university. It has been a looooong time coming. I'm 23 years old and even though I've just done a year of college, the thought of 4 years of studying still creates some mixed feelings. All in all I am definitely looking forward to it and excited for all the things I will be learning.
3. Read more is something that I always want to be a constant in my everyday life. After I finished college I was feeling that something was missing. Time I would normally dedicate to study was now free so I started reading a lot. Somehow now I don't do it as much. Must get back to it.
4. Paul and I have numerous plans for travelling - weekends away, holidays - but they're all on hold since I don't want to risk to book anything until I'm sure what's my availability with university. As soon as I start, we'll definitely be planning something. We want to do a trip around South-East Asia but that won't happen until 2017 possibly.
5. A clear out is on order in my opinion. Call it a winter cleaning, whatever. I've got a lot of clothes that I simply grew out of it. One of my plans as soon as I have some free time is to go through everything and give/sell as much as possible.
What are your plans for the month of September?
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